Saturday, August 18, 2007
Dakar to Islamabad to Nassau

Since departing Dakar in May 06, I haven’t brewed too much beer. In fact, I brewed only one batch. After Dakar we went to Islamabad, Pakistan for a one year assignment. We were very busy there work-wise and I ended up brewing only one batch. However, this single batch was a milestone in several ways: yet another foreign country where I managed to brew a grain batch; brewing beer in an Islamic Republic where by their laws, alcohol is illegal. However, I learned its not as straightforward as it seems. In this Islamic Republic, alcohol is illegal for Muslims. If one is a Christian, an alcohol license can be obtained. In fact, I met several Christians in Islamabad and they showed me their permit. Also, the country features a brewery and a distillery. The national beer is called Murray. It’s a decent standard lager. I even met one of the mangers of the brewery at a get together. Anyway, we left Islamabad just before the Red Mosque business got going and we find ourselves in Nassau, Bahamas. As soon as we get settled, including receiving our belongings being shipped from Islamabad, I intend to start back with brewing. (The photo is of the view from our residence in Islamabad. It was taken from the balcony looking up the street.)