Thursday, March 17, 2005
Wort chilling continues

While the wort is boiling I set this rig up to run truly cold water through my immersion chiller. As mentioned, I use the tap water first and I have this rig ready to switch to when I get the wort to 100F.
The cooler is full of ice and water and I used gravity to circulate it through. I get the wort down from around 100F to 75 in about 10 minutes. I pretty much am exclusively an Ale brewer so that is why 75F interests me.
There are some reasons why I settled on Ale brewing. I am in a fairly warm area of the world for one thing. Another point is that I do not have a second refrigerator or any other gear to create fermentation conditions at lager temps. I have made some lagers at Ale temps and have been happy with them but, other than CA common, I have not done a lager yeast at Ale temps for years. At some point, I want to try lagers but for now it is Ales.
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