Friday, March 11, 2005
Secondary fermentation (cont)

These shots are a continuation of racking to a secondary fermenter. I used to attach the siphoning hose to the racking tube empty and suck the beer down with my mouth. I recently changed to filling the hose with evaporated water, which is very sanitary. I switched because we have a water distiller where I live, so I have sanitary water on tap. I must point out that when I used mouth suction to get the siphon going, I never had a ruined batch. I collect my yeast slurry in sanitized storage containers, put a layer of saran wrap across the top and then put the lid on. I then store it in the back of my refrigerator.
Occasionally I will krausen a batch, using the procedure in the back of PapazianÂ’'s book. It always worked well but I could never tell the difference between the head from corn sugar and from a krausened batch. Anyway, I did it a few times and it was kind of cool because that is the way they used to prime their beers in the old days, so they say.
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