Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Milling. I use a Soehnle scale that was given to me as a gift. I have had it about eight years. It uses AA batteries. It works great, easily measuring from a few ounces up to five pounds. It is quite accurate as I have confirmed it in a variety of ways including weighing sacks of grain sent to me from supply stores. When I run grain through my mill I use small scoops and pour slowly so as not to overload the mill and burn out my drill. It takes me about 5-10 minutes to do 8-10 lbs. of grain. The guy who made it put a small marker on what is considered to be the ideal setting for basic pale malt. It works pretty well although I have tinkered with it some. Since there are no husks with wheat, I always set for the finest crush as I can get. I think I mentioned that earlier, oh well. The mill sits on top of a bottling bucket and this is what I use to hold the batch until I start the mash. I usually crush grain the evening before I do a batch and I like to start a batch first thing in the morning.
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